Mask haters?

Last Friday after a public show at Namel-Malini Punchi Theatre, a spectator (who is also a well-known theatreperson) tried to grab and tear away my face mask. When it didn't come off she pulled it down exposing my face, with her fingers touching my nose and lips.

She then said forcefully: “What is this, take it off will you. The government has put an end to it. Why are you still clinging on to this?” (“මොකද්ද හලෝ, ඕක ගලවලා දාන්ඩකෝ. ආණ්ඩුව දැන් ඕක ඉවර කරලනෙ තියෙන්නෙ. ඔයා මොකද තාම ඕකෙ එල්ලිලා ඉන්නෙ?”)

I got so many thing to say. That is coming soon.

But please don't ever do that to anyone. Anyone.